The Leader: Staying Power... The most effective leaders in the world today are those who demonstrate staying power. They are visionary, and committed over a long period of time to a significant goal. In face of tremendous odds, they "hang tough." Leaders who affect communities, organizations, or societal issues generally do not flare up into great fires of leadership overnight. but rather they begin like a small smoldering piece of coal that ignites or creates a spark that builds over time. It becomes obvious that this idea of staying power is built around very important and specific goals,things they desire to see accomplished. To reach our goals, we will need to employ the number one tool of the leader- influence! Paul wrote in Phil.3:14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." Staying power must have Vision, compelling responsibilities, clarity of direction, strong motivation, and self-discipline, to mention a few ingredients. .What do you think is helpful to leaders for the Staying Power?