International Ministry
Bishop Rick and Dr. Phyllis have been given a divine mandate to reach out to touch the nations of the world through the doors and relationships God has opened. A Messianic prophecy in Psalms, reads:
Ask of Me, and I will give You the nations for your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for Your possession. Psalms 2:8
This scripture has been a leading hallmark passage for many years as we have asked God for the nations. Our heart is to serve suffering humanity through the gospel of Christ by reaching out to the hurting, the hungry and the hidden in the remote areas of the world. Through God's continual supply of resources, Proceeding Word Ministries International will be able to reach and touch those who desperately need to know God's love and His gifts to them. It is our belief that PWMI will be able to help shape the destiny of nations as His Kingdom is established, where a faithful generation of servants and servant-leaders is equipped and sent out to win the lost.