It has been said, "Nothing of eternal importance is ever accomplished apart from prayer." Proceeding Word Ministries International was birthed in a prayer grotto on Prayer Mountain, South Korea in 1996 as Bishop Rick was spending time seeking God following two weeks of ministry in China. As he spent time praying there, and after visiting Dr. David Yonggi Cho, God gave Bishop Callahan the vision for the apostolic ministry, Proceeding Word Ministries International. A rhema word from the scripture to him during this revelatory experience serves as the foundation:
It is written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Matthew 4:4
It was made very clear that the power of the Word of God would proceed as he, and all of us, give ourselves to fasting and prayer.
Over the years, God has done wonderful things through the prayers of God's people. Soon after the birth of PWMI, God brought Rev. Lori Goodrich to set up and oversee the PWMI Prayer Shield network to cover the Callahans' ministry and family. Over the years, our dependence on prayer has grown and we owe a debt of gratitude to those who serve on the Prayer Shield team supporting PWMI's apostolic ministry and mission.
If you would like to receive our Prayer Shield newsletter and join our team praying for this ministry, please contact us using our form at the right.